Have an issue with your insurance?
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Insurance companies are constantly reviewing us. Are we too old? Do we live in the wrong place? Is our credit score high enough? Well, now it's time to turn the tables. Do you charge too much? Will you pay my claim quickly? Is your coverage worse than it seems? We can review you too.
Recent Reviews
Accident (Liberty Mutual)
I have a 2015 Toyota RAV4 and I still owe 12,000 on the vehicle, Just got it last year.
with that being said I was in an accident on 3/6 and their insurance company wants to claim the vehicle as a total loss... my question is what if they don't give me enough to cover the loan? I am pretty stressed because the accident was not my fault at all.
it is going to liberty mutual does anyone have any idea?
Desperate, poor, + confused (State Farm)
I bought a used 2012 Volvo during the pandemic at the height of used car prices out of desperation. I needed a car. I have $12600 left on the loan. The car itself is now valued at $4000. It currently requires $15000+ in repairs to pass safety and emissions. I’ve had nothing but problems with it since purchase a couple of years ago. I have put about $1500 into the car so far in repairs. I suspect I was sold a lemon, one shop suspected a history of flood damage, another refused to comment if that was a possibility. I do have gap insurance, not sure if that can apply here. I cannot afford to fix the vehicle or pay out the loan and get a new vehicle. Between the original dealer, the lender, State Farm, auto repair shops, I feel pretty constantly let down by customer service. I also struggle to understand all of the policies and legalese. Is there anything I can do here? I’m so overwhelmed.
Post cancellation bills? (Liberty Mutual)
I’ve been paying 436 a month for a 22 Honda for the last few years, which I haven’t been able to afford, but always managed to pay on time with autopay. I’ve never had a missed bill. My last payment was on February 28th. It came out of my account, and put me deeply in the negative, and then got returned because I had insufficient funds, which has never happened before when bills put me in the negative. I switched over from Liberty Mutual to Geico after that and am only paying 159 a month now. Geico sent Liberty a letter declaring cancellation and demanding returned funds for the rest of my coverage this month that I’m not using- bill was on the 28th, canceled on the 6th of this month I believe. I called Liberty to double check, they claimed they never got the letter, refused to refund anything, set another date to pull that 436 from my account since it got returned previously, and charged me 90 something dollars on top of that, due the 22nd of this month, but didn’t tell me what that added fee was for. I went to my bank and told them to halt autopay for Liberty after that 436 bill, since I do technically owe that outside of any returned funds. They messed up and halted ALL autopay, so the 436 won’t come out, which I didn’t mean to do. The app now, since I’m no longer a customer, will not allow me to manually pay it. Is there any legal or credit ramification for unpaid bills post cancellation?
Dispute with 3rd party insurance company (Dairyland)
On February 8th, my car was parked at a Miller’s Ale House, and it was hit by a truck that was parked right next to it. The restaurant manager found me and told me that the situation had happened, but the truck's owner was waiting for me. I went outside, the guy verbally confirmed it was his fault and offered 200$ to pay for a new bumper (that is the only thing that was damaged). I do not know much about the costs of parts and fixes, but it seemed not right to me, so I told him we should let the insurance deal with it. he agreed, and his wife showed me her insurance info from Dairyland on a screenshot. The truck that hit my car was not listed in that screenshot, but she assured me it was. I took a picture of the plate, and that was it. On Monday, I called their insurance and placed the claim. They asked many questions about the incident, and I answered them all. They gave me the name of the Adjuster and a reference number. She contacted me days later with more questions, which I answered, and asked me for pictures of my car from all angles. Since I heard any contact from the Adjuster I decided to call her today and she said that they haven't been able to gather evidence from the other party because and I am quoting her: “Since the police was not called the day of the incident, they have no direct way to contacted them, so we are at the mercy of them contacting us”.
I was not raised here in the US, and this is the first time I have had to deal with a situation like this in my life. In hindsight, I think I did not manage this very well. I didn't want to call the police since, yes, he probably was drinking inside the Ale House, but he was with his kids and wife, and I did not want the drama. Maybe I was wrong. I took a picture of his plate, and I have his wife's name and address. I did not get his phone number. I also have the manager’s restaurant as a witness.
I am incredibly frustrated. I handled this wrong. My beautiful Miata has a big dent in the front. And sure as hell don't have to be responsible for it. What should I do? Should I sue the guy? I do not get why the insurance can't contact them, maybe they gave me another insurance info. Is there any other way to deal with this? Help me Reddit!
Blood work charges seem right? (Cigna)
In the past I never remember paying anything for an annual physical with blood work. I recently received my bill and my blood work/urinalysis was $1206 and after cost reduction I owe $1020.cigna covered nothing and I will have to call them and see exactly what they cover because I will be turning down the blood work for now on if this is what it will cost.
General health panel (CPT 80050)
Blood test lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) (CPT 80061)
$20 for the needles and stuff
I rarely go to a doctor so maybe I'm out of the loop but everyone I mentioned this too says it doesn't seem right. So I wonder if it's a coding issue or Cigna really just doesn't cover anything until I hit the $1k deductible.
Can an insurance company refuse to allow me to file a claim? (UnitedHealthcare)
Long story short, I recently got a grant for my son who has autism spectrum disorder and was able to find a provider who had social skills therapy for him. The grant will reimburse me costs 100% however they need a copy of the EOB. I found a provider who was out of network but was the only one offering this therapy in the time period I needed it. She was upfront saying that we would have to file our own claim which I have no problem with. She provided the superbill and all of the codes.
Well today I logged into UHC to try to submit a mental health claim and the form is not available, then I called them and they told me that I cannot submit my own claim. I told them that my provider does not file claims but they were insistent on saying that the doctor would have to file them. Is this a common practice? I am just frustrated.
Prior authorization question (Blue Cross Blue Shield)
I have a question about prior authorization. I am trying to get one of the weight loss meds like wegovy, zepbound etc. I had several appts with my primary care Dr and she informed me she would try but that most likely insurance wouldn't cover it. The Dr office called me today to tell me about bloodwork, etc and informed me I should call my insurance provider and ask if it would be covered. I did that, with blue cross blue shield, and the lady on the phone was extremely helpful. She informed me ozempic and something else wouldn't be covered but wegovy and zepbound are and she would need prior authorization. She put me on hold to call my Dr, then when she got back on the line she said the Dr would not do prior authorization. She also informed me I should find a new Doc because your Dr is supposed to help you. My question is why would my Dr then deny it after asking me to call and see if it's covered and it was? I'm just confused. Thank you for any insight.
Any way to negotiate the bill amount? (Aetna)
I need advice on how to negotiate a bill that I received from my insurance. I had a neck and upper shoulder pain for more than a week and I went to a specialist. He did some routine range of motion checks and just advised to avoid the gym and use a heat pack.
Now I see I've got a bill where Aetna was billed $1155 for the office visit and my bill is $375.76 which is around 30%. This seems like a very high charge for a 10 minute routine appointment.
Is there any way I can either ask for a reduction on what Aetna was billed or what they charged me? The latter seems less likely since I haven't hit my deductible yet
Edit: This is NY state and the appointment was at NYU Langone
Kaiser HMO vs Blue Shield PPO (Blue Shield of California)
Hi all, I'm leaving my current job and I have another position that pays higher than where I'm at right now, but no employee health plan. I'm in CA. Right now I'm looking at marketplace plans for my spouse (33M) and I (31F). We don't use much when it comes to health care. A few random visits here and there, I take a few daily mental health meds but that's it. However, we do want to start a family in the next year so I'm trying to keep that in mind. I've always been on an employer PPO, so that's what I'm used to. My top options currently are Blue Shield of CA PPO, or Kaiser Gold HMO. From what I've seen blue shield is one of the few companies that will offer PPO on the marketplace. I've looked at some of the cheaper plans through multiple companies but since most of them have coinsurance, I worry I could rack up quite a bit if I were to get pregnant/deliver. We earn too much to qualify for financial help/ACA plans as well. Here's my question - how much does Kaiser's HMO plans differ from their PPO? Is it really a big difference since it's all in one system? I know there are issues with Kaiser and it seems people either love it or hate it. But it seems like their HMO plan is cheaper with better coverage (particularly for maternity) than a similar PPO through blue shield. Anything I'm missing here? Any advise or prior experiences would be helpful.
Help with Ambetter, numbers given not working with CVS. (Ambetter)
I live in the states in Indiana.
I went to my doctor this morning and used my insurance card fine. They prescribed me meds, I went to CVS and they are saying my insurance card is not working.
I called ambetter and they claimed I got a new ID number, I gave CVS the number and they said it's still not right. They gave me another number and it's the same as on my insurance card.
What is going on? I have a feeling CVS is messing up but maybe it's Ambetter??
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